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Human Space Flight Collection

Information on the Human Space Flight Collection at the UHCL Archives and Special Collections; created by Erin Henry and Matthew M. Peek

Human Space Flight Collection

The Human Space Flight (HSF) Collection was initiated as a collecting focus for the UHCL Archives following its receiving custody of the Johnson Space Center History Collection in 2001. The goal of the Human Space Flight Collection is to collect original archival materials and personal papers from individuals involved in the space industry, from individuals who worked and researched in the field of human space flight, or those individuals who work for NASA* at the Johnson Space Center or for any of its contractors during any given time period. The focus of the collection is to collecting papers from those who spent time working at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Personal papers offer insight into the history and operation of human space flight that otherwise may be lost by relying only on official administrative records. They reveal professional interests and opinions that frequently clarify matters mentioned in official records. Personal viewpoints expressed in personal correspondence and documentation resulting from service may provide a better basis for understanding a given program, decision-making process, or scientific development.

The arranged and described collections described in this guide are housed in the UHCL Archives and Special Collections’ Human Space Flight Collection. These JSC personnel's individual collections have been assigned collection numbers, are arranged in numbered boxes and folders for ease of location and access, and have a completed collection finding aid (an inventory containing collection information and description). Most of these collections have finding aids (or inventories) accessible online through the UHCL Neumann Library Institutional Repository under the UHCL Archives and Special Collections holdings. Those that are not available online have finding aids that can be obtained from the UHCL Archives staff upon request. 

Collections in the the Human Space Flight Collection available for research are listed in the "Finding Aids and Collection Access Points" page on two separate collections pages, in alphabetical order by individuals' last name or collection title if not for an individual. Links to all collections which have finding aids online are attached to the collection name on those two pages, along with descriptions of the individuals' work history with NASA and a description of the collections' scope of materials.

As of October 2024, UHCL Archives-owned Human Space Flight Collection's holdings are only open for research in-person to the following researchers, under federal United States government Export Control Regulations and International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) regulations: badged NASA employees; badged NASA contractors; UHCL faculty; UHCL staff; and UHCL students meeting federal requirements (some international students may be restricted from accessing the collection).

Not all materials in the Human Space Flight Collection individually-named collections are restricted to the public, but they are mixed in the archival boxes with materials which are. In order to access non-restricted materials (like personnel files, biographical information, posters, public NASA handouts, contractor brochures, ets.), researchers who do not meet these standards are required to email a list of box and folder numbers, collection numbers, and collection names, from the Human Space Flight Collection, to the UHCL Archives' Associate Director with a request to access the materials. The Associate Director will review the titles and content of the materials against Export Control requirements, and provide a response as to which materials can be accessed in-person or have scans sent to them. If researching in-person, researchers will only be provided with approved folders they requested one at a time--not the entire box in which the folders were housed. This is a matter of security and abiding by federal regulations.

Any questions as to the access restrictions should be directed to the UHCL Archives' Associate Director.


*The use of the name “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” and “NASA” in this collection policy does not constitute support or approval of said policy or policy statements from NASA or any of its officials.

Bayou Building 2402, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058-1002