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New Student's Guide to the Library

Incoming freshmen and new students: start here to use library resources

Getting an Article from a Citation

Sample citation:
Robbins, B. G. (2016). Probing the links between trustworthiness, trust, and emotion: Evidence from four survey experiments. Social Psychology Quarterly, 79(3), 284-308.

Use OneSearch to look for a DOI (digital object identifier). If there's no DOI, search for a distinctive "exact phrase" from the article title. Add an author name if needed. Examples:

  • 10.1177/0190272516657546
  • "trustworthiness trust and emotion"
  • "trustworthiness trust and emotion" robbins

As an alternative, or to check if the library has paper copy, search the title of the journal (e.g., social psychology quarterly) in the Journal Titles search box below:

Find journals by journal title or ISSN

If an article isn't available online, submit an article request.


Searching with a DOI:

Shows a sample citation with DOI highlighted and then copied into OneSearch

Searching with a title phrase:

Shows a sample citation with distinctive phrase from article title highlighted and searched in OneSearch using quotation marks around the phrase

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