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Ebook Help: Downloading Ebooks From Library Databases

About Ebook Central (ProQuest)

In Ebook Central (ProQuest), you can:

  • Check out and download ebooks to your personal computer for reading offline during the checkout period (7 days or fewer)
  • Transfer ebooks to compatible portable devices. All devices that support the Adobe Content Server are compatible although some work better than others with Ebrary.
  • Please keep in mind that downloading the full book will restrict other patrons' access to the material. We recommend downloading individual chapters to prevent this.

Note:   Download ebooks to your personal computer only. Do not download them to a public computer in your library.

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Download and install Adobe Digital Editions

  • You must have an Adobe ID to authorize your computer. You are prompted to get one at no charge during the installation.
  • If you will transfer to a portable device, both your device and computer must be authorized with the same Adobe ID.
  1. Open Adobe Digital Editions.
  2. Click on the Library button (looks like 3 books at the left of the screen).
  3. Click on the down arrow next to the word LIBRARY.
  4. Click on Authorize Computer.

If you have problems with the installation, see Adobe Digital Editions installation help.

For more information, see Adobe Digital Editions advanced help

Creating Chapter and Page Range Image PDFs

You may create image PDFs of specific chapters and page ranges, up to the same limits as for printing.

To create an image PDF of a chapter:

  1. Click on the Download button in the search results or QuickView. You may be prompted to sign in.
  2. Select the option to Create an image PDF of the chapter, then choose the name of the chapter from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click OK.

To create an image PDF of a page range:

  1. Click on the Download button in the search results or QuickView. You may be prompted to sign in.
  2. Select the option to Create an image PDF of page, then enter the starting and ending page numbers in the boxes.
  3. Click OK.

You may open, read, and print the chapter or page range in any PDF viewer, such as Adobe Reader. You may also transfer the file to other devices.

Note: Additional functionality such as selecting text, searching, highlighting, or taking notes won't be available.

Image PDF files don't expire.

Downloading Entire Documents for use with Adobe Digital Editions

You may download up to 10 entire documents at a time using Adobe Digital Editions,

To download a entire document to your computer:

  1. Click on the Download button in the search results or QuickView. You may be prompted to sign in.
  2. Select the option to Download the entire document.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Choose whether to Open with Adobe Digital Editions or Save file to open later.
  5. Click OK.

Documents that are downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions automatically expire at the end of the pre-designated period and are rendered unusable.

To return a document early:

  1. In Adobe Digital Editions, click on the arrow icon on the document you wish to return early.
  2. Select Returned Borrowed Item.
  3. Click OK.
  4. You may also wish to Delete Item from your library by clicking on the same arrow.


After you download an ebook to your computer, you can transfer it to most compatible portable devices this way:

(scroll down for iOS device and Kindle Fire instructions)

  1. Go to to verify that Adobe Digital Editions supports your device. Only physical eReader devices can sync with Adobe Digital Editions. If you are using an eReading application (iOS or Android), contact the publisher of that application for assistance.
  2. Connect your device via USB to your Windows or Macintosh computer.  Do this step before opening Adobe Digital Editions. Otherwise, the application can't see it.
  3. Launch Adobe Digital Editions.
  4. Your device appears on the left side in Adobe Digital Editions.

  5. Drag the eBook that you want to transfer to the picture of your device on the left.

The eBook is now transferred to your eReader/eBook device.

To transfer document(s) to an iOS device (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad):

  1. Download a compatible reading app (such as Bluefire Reader) from the App Store onto your iOS device.
  2. Connect your device to your computer, open iTunes, and sync your device.
  3. Click on the Apps tab and scroll down to File Sharing.
  4. Click on Add, navigate to your My Digital Editions folder, and select the PDF file(s) of the document(s) you'd like to transfer. Make sure you don't select the .acsm file(s).
  5. Re-sync your device.

You should now be able to read the document on your iOS device. You may need to authorize the device with your Adobe ID.

To transfer document(s) to a Kindle Fire:

  1. Install Bluefire Reader on your Kindle Fire
  2. From your computer, download the ebrary book you wish to view. You should see a .acsm file being downloaded in your browser window.
  3. Attach your Kindle Fire to your computer via USB cable. Your Kindle should say “You can now transfer files from your computer to Kindle.” If it does not, unplug and plug back in. (Note: not all USB cables are created equal, so if your Operating System does not recognize the device, try a different cable).
  4. On your computer, open Adobe Digital Editions.
  5. After a few moments you will see a KINDLE device in the bottom left pane of the ADE window.
  6. When prompted, authorize your Kindle
  7. Drag and drop your book from Adobe Digital Editions Library to your Kindle.
  8. Unplug your Kindle.
  9. Open the Bluefire app on your Kindle: you will see the downloaded book(s) listed.


Ebrary’s reader requires recent versions of operating systems and browsers as follows:

Supported operating systems:

  • Windows:  7, 8, 8.1
  • OS X:  10.8 (Mountain Lion) and 10.9 (Mavericks)

Note that Windows RT is not supported.

Supported browsers: The browser versions we support parallel the frequency with which the browsers auto-update.

  • Chrome:  latest version
  • FireFox:  latest two versions
  • Safari:  latest two versions
    • For Safari, “Private Browsing” does not work when using proxied links
  • Internet Explorer:  versions 9, 10 and 11 only. Note that  the “Allow font downloads” policy setting in Internet Explorer needs to be enabled for correctly displaying some navigation  icons.
    • For IE 9, make sure compatibility mode is turned off
    • IE 8 is not supported with the new reader as its underlying architecture is limiting when it comes to applying modern UX web designs and coding techniques.

Note that browser add-ons/extensions that alter or add a suffix to ebrary URLs do not work with ebrary.

  • Example:  ”Dragon NaturallySpeaking” browser extension

Once you click “Read Online” you should see the following icons, and below them, the cover or first page of the book.

If the icons or pages don’t show, check the following:

1.  Javascript needs to be enabled on your browser

2. Certain domains and/or IPs cannot be blocked:

  • * (see below if you cannot use *)
  • eb_reader.js
  • require.min.js
or if you cannot use *, then:

If a site can only whitelist IPs, not domains, the following IPs should be whitelisted:

  • (for *
  • (for
3. Certain ports cannot be blocked:
  • All of the above domains use standard ports 80 and 443

4. Make sure Java cache isn’t full

  • To clear your Java cache:
    • Open your computer’s Control Panel
    • From there, open “Java”
    • Under “General” tab, ” Temporary Internet Files”, click “Settings…”
    • Then click “Delete Files…”
5. Some VPNs are not compatible with ebrary
  • URL-rewriting VPNs are not compatible with ebrary
6. Don’t use VPN if using another form of remote authentication, such as:
  • proxied links
  • EZproxy SSO
  • ebrary-hosted remote access (RPA)
  • Athens
  • Shibboleth
  • Referring URL

7. In Safari, “Private Browsingdoes not work when using proxied links

Internet Explorer (IE) plug-ins and extensions can cause problems.

Troubleshooting tips:

1. Try using a different browser

  • Firefox works particularly well with ebrary
  • If you don’t have Firefox already you can download it free at
  • It’s fine to run two different browsers at the same time – you could use Firefox for ebrary and IE for other things

2. If you want to continue using IE for ebrary, try disabling IE extensions

  • This solution has a pretty high success rate
  • Briefly, here’s how to disable IE extensions:

Go to… Start > Run > type ‘Control Inetcpl.cpl’ > Click the Advanced tab
Under Browsing, uncheck ‘Enable third-party browser extensions  (requires restart)’
Restart IE

3. Alternatively you can try doing a complete reset of IE

4) “Compatibility Mode” could be the problem

Get free Bluefire reader

Your mobile device (phone, tablet) must be running iOS 4.3 and higher or Android 2.1 and higher.

You will need to create an account in Adobe Digital Editions account to download ebooks using the app.

Detailed instructions are available from Ebook Central (ProQuest) support.


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