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Library Services: Study Rooms

Study Rooms

reserve a study room

  • Study room keys may be checked out at the circulation desk by current UHCL degree-credit students, faculty and staff.
  • The following rooms are currently available at Neumann Library:
    • 11 rooms for individual study
    • 16 rooms for group study
    • 3 rooms for individual OR group study (up to 4 people)
  • Study rooms may be checked out for up to 4 hours at a time.
  • At least one person in a group must present a UHCL student/staff ID to borrow a study room key.
  • At least two group members must be present at the library circulation desk to check out most group room keys. The exceptions are rooms 1A, 1B, and 35, which may be used by an individual OR a group, and rooms 5 and 25, which require three people to be present to check out the key. 
  • Room renewals are not guaranteed. Renewals are only permitted if enough rooms are available at time of request. If one person in a group checks out a room, other people in the group may not check out the room immediately afterward unless enough rooms are available to permit renewals.
  • Rooms should not be unoccupied for more than 30 minutes.
  • Group study rooms should not be occupied by less than two people for extended lengths of time.
  • Study room keys should be returned on time.  Keys checked out within 4 hours of library closing time should be returned at least 10 minutes before closing time.
  • Study rooms should be locked after use.  Users should not attempt to occupy study rooms after their loan period has expired.
  • Study room keys accrue a $5.00 fine per hour overdue. There is a nonrefundable $40.00 fee for lost keys.
  • Rooms should be kept clean. All trash should be placed in library receptacles.
  • Study rooms should not be used for University Organization meetings, Professor / Teaching Assistant office hours, events, or non-university related purposes without the express consent of UHCL Libraries.
  • Failure to adhere to study room policies will result in a loss of study room privileges.
Bayou Building 2402, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058-1002