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Scholarly Communications


EndNote citation management software is a great resource to help you save and organize your sources, and also allows you to easily create bibliographies with the Microsoft Word plugin. Students, faculty, and staff who wish to install the program at home can do so from the EndNote Download guide link provided below. The guide includes detailed instructions for Windows, Mac, and iPad; tutorials and help; information about free EndNote Web; and more!

EndNote21 Download Guide

For additional training resources, visit the EndNote website.


Zotero is a free, open-source citation management software that uses a web browser extension to save screenshots, full-text PDFs, and citation information from websites, databases, library catalogs, and other search tools with a single click.

With Zotero you can: save citation information, screenshots, and available full-text; access your library online and sync to multiple devices; use folders and tags to organize your research; create group libraries for collaborative projects; and generate citations and bibliographies.

Zotero - Free tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research
ZoteroBib - For creating immediate, single-use bibliographies without downloading the full Zotero
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