Key Biological Sciences Resources
Below you will find a variety of databases to locate peer-reviewed scholarly articles. Though many look similar, different databases offer access to a variety of different publications.
- AGRICOLA (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
National Agricultural Library's book catalog and journal article citation index (selected full text via EBSCOhost)
- Biological & Agricultural Index Plus This link opens in a new windowSelected full text articles from popular and professional scientific journals
- BIOSIS Previews This link opens in a new windowIndexes biomedical and life sciences research in theoretical and applied biology; provides organism, taxa, development stage, chemical role, and other biology-specific limiters
- JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments): Biology This link opens in a new windowProvides scientific research in a visual format; contents are indexed in subject-relevant resources including PubMed/MEDLINE, SciFinder, and Scopus
- JoVE Journal of Neuroscience This link opens in a new windowFocus on study of the brain and nervous system. Also features potential treatments for neurological diseases
More article databases for biological sciences
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Find preprints:
- bioRxivA free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences (Pronounced "bio-archive")
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