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SILC 4315 Theories of American Pluralism: Find Peer-Reviewed Articles

Course Guide

Find Articles

Education Source, & other subject databases:

Sample searches with keywords, logical operators, & wildcards:
gender AND bullying
(gender OR human sex differences) AND (bullying OR cyberbullying OR harass*)

Select peer-reviewed, publication/document type, and other limiters on initial search screen or while viewing results. Look for official subject terms, and use them to refine your search if needed.

Get Full Text for an Article

If a database lacks immediate full text, click Find It @ UHCL in results to check for full text from another source. Follow Available Online links in OneSearch to a resource with full text for UH Clear Lake users as shown below.

Shows Find It at UHCL leading to full text in EBSCOhost PsycARTICLES

If full text is not found, submit an article request.

Essential Tools for Online Searching: AND, OR, and Wildcards

(1:43) Learn how logical operators AND and OR work to help you get good results in library research databases.

(1:55) Learn how to retrieve varying forms of a word and improve search results.

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