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Marketing: Articles & Journals

Library resources and helpful information for your research on marketing.

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If needed, more choices are in Databases A-Z.

Advanced Search

Search OneSearch for a DOI (digital object identifier) or a distinctive "exact phrase" from the article title. Add an author name if needed.

Sample citation and searches:

Robbins, B. G. (2016). Probing the links between trustworthiness, trust, and emotion: Evidence from four survey experiments. Social Psychology Quarterly, 79, 284-308. doi:10.1177/0190272516657546


  • doi:10.1177/0190272516657546
  • "trustworthiness trust and emotion"
  • "trustworthiness trust and emotion" AND robbins



Find journals by journal title or ISSN



Sample searches:
journal of family issues
0192-513X (ISSN example)

Most research databases allow you to limit searches to articles in peer-reviewed journals. A peer-reviewed (or refereed) journal:

  • uses experts from the same subject field or profession as the author to evaluate a manuscript prior to acceptance for publication
  • has articles that report on research studies or provide scholarly analysis of topics
  • may include book reviews, editorials, or other brief items that are not considered scholarly articles
Peer Review in 3 Minutes

(3:15) Explains the academic publishing process for research articles and scholarly journals, including the quality control process of peer review. North Carolina State Univ. Libraries

Tutorials & Help

These tutorials include practice in Neumann Library web-based resources and self-quiz questions to help you check your understanding.

(1:43) Learn how logical operators AND and OR work to help you get good results in library research databases.


(1:55) Learn how to retrieve varying forms of a word and improve search results.

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