These tutorials include practice in Neumann Library web-based resources and self-quiz questions to help you check your understanding.
Find more (broaden your results) with OR and wildcards:
diet or nutrition (finds either term)
nutri* (finds nutrition, nutrient, nutritional, etc.)
Find less (narrow your results) with AND:
diet and nutrition (finds only records that have both terms)
Find less with NOT:
diet not weight loss (excludes records that discuss weight loss)
Sample search statement:
poverty AND (diet OR nutri*)
Limiters can help to improve the relevance and focus of results:
Selected full text articles from biomedical and related journals, with clinical guidelines and more from the National Library of Medicine
Selected full text articles from journals in a wide range of subjects, plus magazines, reports, books, and more
Enter keyword searches or choose Subject Guide Search to build your search from the database's subject headings.
Connectors and wildcards also work in the book catalog. Relatively simple searches usually work well (example: pandemics AND epidemiology). To include limiters such as format, language, etc., use Advanced Search.
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