Searching in databases is different than how you are used to searching on the internet. The internet allows you to use natural language while databases require you to use keywords and phrases. Give yourself some time to become familiar with searching in databases or book an appointment with a librarian to go over how to do this.
Searching in databases requires you to search with specific keywords and phrases. Let's take this example:
What is the effect of Instagram Likes on the self-esteem of young children under the age of 12?
I want to choose keywords that describe a:
From my example above, I will choose the following keywords to begin my search:
More than likely, I will need to tweak my search strategy based on what I am finding or not finding. Most times, the first search will just be the beginning of my search process.
Below is a list of databases for you to search for information related to education. Keep in mind that the term emergent bilinguals was not used in the past. The terms from the past include:
You may have to these terms in your searches to find relevant materials related to bilingual education.
Reference: Garcia, O. Kleifgen, J. & Falchi, L. (2008) From English Language Learners to Emergent Bilinguals. Equity Matters. Research Review No. 1. Campaign for Educational Equity, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Selected full text articles from journals and magazines on educational leadership, educational management, educational research, and more
Selected full text for journal articles (EJ references) and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) documents (ED references)
Selected full text for journal articles (EJ references) and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) documents (ED references)
Selected full text articles from journals and trade magazines for educators
Selected full text for magazine and journal articles, case studies, and more for teachers and administrators
As no library can own all materials students and faculty may want to use for their research needs, the library has a service called Interlibrary Loan. This service allows you to request journal articles and books from other libraries that UHCL does not own. UHCL does not Interlibrary Loan textbooks. InterLibrary Loan is a free service available to you as a student enrolled at UHCL.
You will need to create an account in the ILLiad system so make sure to go to the Create an Account page for instructions on how to get logged in.
Librarians are here to help you with learning how to use library resources. We are happy to help you with any questions you may have.
My contact information:
To contact a librarian:
Bayou Building 2402, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058-1002 |