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In the United States wearing a cap by nurses is formalized in:
Key Resources for Nursing
- CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new windowSelected full text articles from nursing and allied health journals; includes Continuing Education modules, Evidence-Based Care Sheets, and Quick Lessons (concise overviews of diseases, conditions and their treatment options)
- Nursing and Health Professions Premier Collection with Ovid® Emcare This link opens in a new window
This unique package combines the expansiveness of Ovid Emcare—millions of records, continually updated each year-with the power and prestige of over 80 of today’s top nursing and health professions journals from the industry leader, Lippincott®.
- Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination This link opens in a new windowBates’ Visual Guide features head-to-toe and systems physical exam videos completely reshot, emphasizing clinical accuracy and patient care.
- MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
Selected full text articles from biomedical and related journals, with clinical guidelines and more from the National Library of Medicine
- Health and Society in Video This link opens in a new windowStreaming documentaries focused on health issues and their impact on society, including pediatric AIDS, the Obama administration’s healthcare plan, addiction, hospice care, Alzheimer’s disease, organ donation, malnutrition, and more
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition This link opens in a new window
Selected full text articles from scholarly journals focusing on nursing and allied health professions; also includes drug information sheets from the American Society of Health System Pharmacists
- Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine This link opens in a new windowSelected full text articles from medical and professional journals, health and fitness magazines, and reference materials in support of nursing education and consumer health
General Resources
- Journals List UHCL This link opens in a new windowCheck if the library has a particular journal, magazine, or newspaper online, or browse available serials by subject category. Follow Library Catalog links, if provided, for information on available paper or microfilm copies in the library.
Research & Instruction Librarian