Help for Those Preparing an Annotated Bibliography
The following resources give useful tips on preparing an annotated bibliography (a list of publications or information sources, each of which is described and perhaps critiqued by the author). For additional help, please contact us.
- Annotated BibliographiesDiscusses characteristics of a good annotated bibliography and different types of annotations (informative, indicative, critical/evaluative, and combination), with examples in MLA, APA, and Council of Biology Editors/Council of Science Editors style . Writing Center, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Annotated BibliographySee Content section for descriptions and examples that are indicative, informative, evalutive, or a combination. Writing Center, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
- Annotated BibliographiesExplains the difference between annotations that summarize, assess, or reflect. Online Writing Lab, Purdue Univ.