- Science and Technology Collection This link opens in a new window
Selected full text articles from journals, trade, and popular magazines covering scientific and technical fields
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowSelected full text articles from Elsevier journals in the physical sciences/engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences/humanities
- National Geologic Map IndexA Geoscience Map catalog that indexes 77,000 geology-related products from over 260 publishers including the US Geological Survey, state geological surveys, theses and dissertations, and private organizations. You may search by place name, by bounding box, or by author/title/publisher Some records contain links to full text documents
- ScienceDailyYour source for the latest research news
- USGS Publications WarehouseThe USGS Publications Warehouse contains: * Bibliographic citations for over 70,000 USGS publications * Full product and thematic map content for over 40,000 publications * USGS numbered series begun in 1880 Use the USGS Publications Warehouse Web Site to: * Locate products by author , title, year, or product type * Locate products recently published by USGS, by month * Discover availability, price, and purchase options for hard copies (please note, the library may own a paper copy of the document) Future enhancements will include: * Citations for ALL USGS-authored products * Geographic search for newly published products
- JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments): Biology This link opens in a new windowProvides scientific research in a visual format; contents are indexed in subject-relevant resources including PubMed/MEDLINE, SciFinder, and Scopus