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- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window
Selected full text articles from journals, magazines, and trade publications, including industry and country reports, MarketLine company profiles, SWOT analyses, and more
- Gale Business: Insights Global This link opens in a new window
Primarily full text case studies, statistical data, news articles, journal articles, and topical reference materials organized by company, industry, and country; includes SWOT reports
- Plunkett Research This link opens in a new windowAnalyzes industry trends, including finances, markets, technologies, deregulation, research/development and globalization; also includes industry statistics, company profiles, glossaries, and more
- Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new window
1983 to present; full text of the newspaper's Eastern edition
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new window
Primarily full text for news sources from around the world, including broadcast transcripts, plus law review journals, statutory, case law, and other legal resources, company and industry information, and more
Sample citation and searches:
- doi:10.1177/0190272516657546
- "trustworthiness trust and emotion"
- "trustworthiness trust and emotion" AND robbins
A peer-reviewed (or refereed) journal:
- uses experts from the same subject field or profession as the author to evaluate a manuscript prior to acceptance for publication
- has articles that report on research studies or provide scholarly analysis of topics
- may include book reviews, editorials, or other brief items that are not considered scholarly articles
Anatomy of a Scholarly ArticleExplains key elements from the first & last page of a typical scholarly or academic article. North Carolina State Univ. Libraries