Find Children's Books in OneSearch
To find a specific title:
- Use quotation marks for an "exact phrase"
- If results are unclear, try an advanced search where you can:
- restrict terms to the title field
- add creator's name in author field if needed
Selected awards and honors are noted in a book's detailed record.
To find children's books on a given topic (e.g., polar bears), select and apply relevant Location filters to search results, including:
- Pearland Juvenile Collection
- UHCL Easy Book Collection
- UHCL Juvenile Collection
- UHCL Juvenile Reference Collection
To list newer titles first, change the Sort-by filter from Relevance to Date-newest.
- How to Renew Books Online(0:54) Learn how to renew materials in your OneSearch account.
Find awards listed in the Details section of a detailed record.
Classification numbers used for children's fiction may not be unique.
Fic Wil 2005 for example is used for:
- Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles
- Broken China by Lori Williams
- Brothers in Hope by Mary Williams
- The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson
Write down or remember the author's name. When you get to the right shelves (Juvenile Fic Wil in this example), books are filed alphabetically by author, then subfiled by title. The date is ignored.
1. Sign in to OneSearch, and use Request under Get It if a UH library has a copy available.
2. Or submit a Book Request form.
- Request a book, article, or other itemILLiad Interlibrary Loan logon
Public libraries are a great resource for finding children's books for your assignment. Harris County Libraries and Houston Public Libraries allow you to get an electronic library card to borrow their digital collections. Contact other libraries for current services and hours.