Key Healthcare Administration Resources
Find peer-reviewed journal articles in research databases:
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window
Selected full text articles from journals, magazines, and trade publications, including industry and country reports, MarketLine company profiles, SWOT analyses, and more
- Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new window
1983 to present; full text of the newspaper's Eastern edition
- MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
Selected full text articles from biomedical and related journals, with clinical guidelines and more from the National Library of Medicine
More article databases for healthcare administration
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Find industry reports and more:
- Mergent Intellect This link opens in a new windowProvides industry profiles, data, and descriptions on worldwide public and private companies from Dun and Bradstreet, U.S. consumer information, and more
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new windowNexis Uni provides access to Moody's Ratings Announcements. Use the Nexis Uni Business page to search for company dossier, industry information, and featured publications
- Plunkett Research This link opens in a new windowAnalyzes industry trends, including finances, markets, technologies, deregulation, research/development and globalization; also includes industry statistics, company profiles, glossaries, and more
Research Consultation Desk (Bayou Bldg., room 2402, 2nd floor)
- 281-283-3910 (voice) and 281-816-4341 (text)
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