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BIOL 4278: Seminar in Biology

Find Research Articles

Approach #1 -- OneSearch:

Sample natural language search:
how does ocean acidification affect the survival of coral reef fish

On results screen, add desired filters:

  • availability: peer-reviewed journals
  • resource type: articles


Approach #2 -- Individual subject databases:

Sample searches with keywords, logical operators, & wildcards:
ocean acidification AND reef fish
ocean acidification AND (reef fish OR shellfish)
ocean acidification AND (reef fish OR shellfish) AND (survival OR predat*)

Select desired limiters on initial search screen or while viewing results. Look for official subject terms, and use them to refine your search if needed.

Find additional choices in the Biological Sciences guide.

For preprints, see:

Tips for finding review articles:

  • Use the literature review literature type limiter in BIOSIS Previews
  • Look for a review document type in Web of Science search results
  • Look for the terms review or meta-analysis in article titles

In BIOSIS Previews:

Screenshot of Literature Type limiter in BIOSIS Previews

In Web of Science:

Shows document type review in search results

Sample citation:

Faria AM, Lopes AF, Silva CSE, Novais SC, Lemos MFL, Goncalves EJ. 2018. Reproductive trade-offs in a temperate reef fish under high pc0(2) levels. Mar Environ Res. 137:8-15. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.02.027

Use OneSearch to look for a DOI (digital object identifier) or to search for a distinctive "exact phrase" from the article title. Add an author name if needed. Examples:

  • 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.02.027
  • "reproductive trade-offs in a temperate reef fish"
  • "reproductive trade-offs in a temperate reef fish" AND faria

If an article isn't available online, submit an article request.

A peer-reviewed (or refereed) journal:

  • uses experts from the same subject field or profession as the author to evaluate a manuscript prior to acceptance for publication
  • has articles that report on research studies or provide scholarly analysis of topics
  • may include book reviews, editorials, or other brief items that are not considered scholarly articles
Peer Review in 3 Minutes

(3:15) Explains the academic publishing process for research articles and scholarly journals, including the quality control process of peer review. North Carolina State Univ. Libraries

Get Full Text for an Article

If a database lacks immediate full text, click Find It @ UHCL in results to check for full text from another source. Follow Available Online links in OneSearch to a resource with full text for UH Clear Lake users as shown below.

Shows Find It at UHCL leading to full text in EBSCOhost PsycARTICLES

If full text is not found, submit an article request.

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