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PSYC / SWRK 4370: Nonexperimental Methods and Statistics

Find Research Articles

Approach #1 -- OneSearch:

Advanced Search

Sample natural language search:
the role of gender in bullying

Sample keywords search:
gender bullying

On results screen, add desired filters

  • Availability: peer-reviewed journals
  • Resource Type: articles


Approach #2 -- PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, & other subject databases:

Sample searches with keywords, logical operators, & wildcards:
gender AND bullying
(gender OR human sex differences) AND (bullying OR cyberbullying OR harass*)

Select peer-reviewed, publication/document type, and other limiters on initial search screen or while viewing results. Look for official subject terms, and use them to refine your search if needed.

If needed, find more research databases in the Psychology research guide or in Databases A-Z.

TIP: Use PsycINFO's limiters to search for a specific Publication Type, Age Group, Methodology, and more:

Note: This will search for articles from peer-reviewed journals that focus on self-injurious behavior among adolescents using interview methodology.



PsycINFO Methodology Limiter:


Note:  The methodology limiter is unique to PsycINFO. See example below for other ways to search for methodologies.

If you are searching a database without a methodology limiter, try searching the name of the desired methodology in the abstract field:


Use OneSearch to search for articles within a known journal. Search terms should include:

  • "Journal title"
  • Keywords or phrases that describe your topic


  • "Journal of clinical psychology" posttraumatic stress
  • "Social behavior and personality" shame

Sample citation:
Byrne, H., Dooley, B., Fitzgerald, A., & Dolphin, L. (2016). Adolescents' definitions of bullying: The contribution of age, gender, and experience of bullying. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31(3), 403-418.

Use OneSearch to look for a DOI (digital object identifier) or to search for a distinctive "exact phrase" from the article title. Add an author name if needed. Examples:

  • 10.1007/s10212-015-0271-8
  • "adolescents definitions of bullying"
  • "adolescents definitions of bullying" byrne

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